Education, health, human rights, environment, animal welfare
Education, health, human rights, environment, animal protection - our field of activity is wide and offers many interesting possibilities of support. In order for us to continue to support our organisations and projects in the future, we are dependent on your help.
"Obtaining a quality education is the foundation to creating sustainable development.". This is one of the so-called sustainability goals of the UN. It should be well known that education is the foundation of any sustainable development towards a better quality of life. In concrete terms, education also helps to equip local people with the necessary "tools" to develop innovative solutions to their problems themselves. This is why this topic is also of great concern to us.
According to the UN, more than 265 million children are currently not attending school, around 22% of whom are of primary school age. And even those who can actually go to school suffer in part from a deficient education system in their own country, insufficiently qualified teachers or other discriminatory factors. Many lack basic reading and arithmetic skills.
A large part of the projects and organisations we support are concerned with educational programmes and solutions for better quality education for young people. Even those who do not explicitly pursue an educational mission have a part in basic education through various measures, whether through special workshops or information events or through cooperation with educational institutions.
With your support we help people to gain access to quality education.
Lesen bildet – lesen macht Spass. Für viele Kinder in Laos stimmt seit vielen Jahren bloss der erste Teil dieser Aussage, meist kennen Sie nicht mal den Unterschied zwischen einem Schulbuch und einem belletristischen. Doch dank Big Brother Mouse ändert sich das langsam.
Als wir den Initiator und Gründer von Chibodia 2008 das erste Mal trafen, war er gerade dabei, in einem kleinen Ort in Kambodscha eine Schule zu bauen. Doch das war erst der Anfang. Seit 2006 setzt sich die deutsche Organisation mit unermüdlichem Einsatz für die Rechte der Kinder in Kambodscha ein.
Ein unterfinanziertes, bürokratisiertes Schulsystem, schlechtes oder fehlendes Schulmaterial, vernachlässigte Infrastrukturen und unterbezahlte Lehrer sind eine schwere Hypothek für das unterentwickelte Laos, welches zwischen den Wirtschaftsmächten China, Thailand und Vietnam eingeklemmt ist. EDF Lao versucht hier, mit pragmatischen, einfachen und effizienten Lösungen einen Beitrag zu besserer Bildung zu schaffen.
We are equipping the Laotian primary schools with computers - help now to carry out the third tranche of our major project.