Where we engage

One charity - many options

Our field of activity is Southeast Asia - especially the countries Laos, Cambodia and Malaysia. Learn more about these countries and how we experience them.


Malaysia is a colourful mix of different cultures and landscapes. Among the largest groups of inhabitants are the Chinese and the Indians, whose influence can be felt and seen in different corners of the country. Malaysia is also diverse in terms of religions, although Islam plays an important role. The country is politically and economically relatively stable - which is why our focus here lies on another matter: animal welfare.

Capital city

Kuala Lumpur

Official language



32'385'000 (2018)

GDP Bio. US$


Educational expenditure (in % of GDP)


Access to clean drinking water

96,7 %

Access to safe sanitation

99,6 %

Organisations we believe in



Für Touristen ist Pulau Langkawi ein kleines Inselparadies im Norden Malaysias. Von paradiesischen Verhältnissen weit entfernt sind hingegen unzählige Katzen und Hunde, die auf der Insel leben – teils verwildert, oft vernachlässigt, manchmal durch Unfälle oder unliebsame Begegnungen verletzt.

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Current projects

  • Education

    IT for Laos 3.0

    We are equipping the Laotian primary schools with computers - help now to carry out the third tranche of our major project.