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Effective development aid is often an arduous, rocky road. Nevertheless, we were able to celebrate some progress last year.
After two and a half long years, we were finally able to feel Southeast Asian soil under our feet again in spring 2022, albeit with geographical restrictions.
What would you do if revenues dried up but you had dozens of elephants to look after? The Elephant Conservation Center (ECC) in Sayaboury, Laos faced this situation as COVID-19 lockdowns and travel bans bit in March 2020. ECC founding partner Sébastien Duffillot shares what they did.
Read more … You can’t furlough an elephant: How Laos’ ECC is surviving the COVID crisis
Tourism in Laos has practically come to a standstill since the pandemic outbreak due to the still active border closures. This has had catastrophic consequences for the Elephant Conservation Centre, which depends on visitors. The ECC is therefore turning to us and you with an urgent call for help.
On 10 December the world will celebrate International Human Rights Day, commemorating the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights 72 years ago. Why this is especially important this year.
Our new flyer is - finally - here. Why this is important to us and what story is behind it.
Bringing the daily school life of one million young pupils in Laos into the digital age – this is the goal of the "IT for Laos" project run by the Swiss charity association basmati. Every year, thousands of computer monitors get replaced in this country, most of which end up in recycling or gather dust in the basement.
The corona virus is the dominant issue in Southeast Asia too, and practically all our organisations are affected in one way or another.
Read more … How the Corona pandemic is affecting our organisations
Within twelve months, our IT for Laos project has become a huge success, surpassing all our expectations. But that's why we need your help.
Read more … We just shipped a container full of hardware - so you don't have to.
Everyone has the right to clean drinking water. The United Nations General Assembly adopted a resolution to this effect on 28 July 2010, which also recognises safe access to sanitation as a human right.