Big Brother Mouse

Finally something to read!

Reading is educational - reading is fun. For many children in Laos, only the first part of this statement has been true for many years. Most of them don't even know the difference between a school book and a fiction book. But thanks to Big Brother Mouse this is slowly changing.

In short, Big Brother Mouse could be described as a Laotian book publisher, which publishes reading and fun books, but also novels in the Laotian language. But that would be about as imprecise as if Zurich Zoo were simply called a large animal enclosure. Big Brother Mouse translates books into the Laotian language, illustrates and publishes them, distributes them at book parties at schools and makes them available elsewhere. Several hundred books have been published since Big Brother Mouse was founded, a few of which have been financed in whole or in part by the association basmati.

How reading changes the world

But Big Brother Mouse is much more than that: in special courses, so-called Reading Classes, it teaches the country's teachers how to use books sensibly in the classroom - in a way that benefits the students. Big Brother Mouse also promotes "Sustained Silent Reading" in schools - something that is already widely known in western schools.  Students can choose any book and read it for themselves without having to answer questions or write a report about it. The motto of all this is: "Reading is fun - and it educates."

Students playing games at a book party of Big Brother Mouse in a remote village.

There is a new mouse in town: Big Sister Mouse

In 2016 Big Brother Mouse has also opened its own school outside Luang Prabang, including a preschool.  It is called Big Sister Mouse and sets new educational accents in the encrusted, underdeveloped school system of Laos.  Big Sister Mouse follows the Laotian curriculum, but does so in a more interactive way, which is obviously more fun for the students.  Reading is - of course - a very important part of the curriculum.  In addition, older students are also taught social skills.

There is a book about the foundation and development of Big Brother Mouse. You can read it here (in English).

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