Education, health, human rights, environment, animal welfare
Education, health, human rights, environment, animal protection - our field of activity is wide and offers many interesting possibilities of support. In order for us to continue to support our organisations and projects in the future, we are dependent on your help.
The fight against poverty, social justice and gender equality are omnipresent issues in Southeast Asia - regrettably, these issues can hardly be surpassed in urgency.
Yet poverty has many forms and manifestations - they must all be combated. Countless people struggle to meet the most basic needs such as health, education, access to water and sanitation. Children are particularly hard hit by poverty and its effects, and to a disproportionate extent. Ensuring social protection for all children and other vulnerable groups is therefore crucial to the fight against poverty.
The growing inequality in the world is not only damaging economic growth in many countries, it also undermines social cohesion, which in turn leads to social tensions.
With your support we help people to overcome social injustice and break out of the cycle of poverty.
First Step Cambodia hilft, unterstützt und interveniert bei Fällen von sexuellem Missbrauch und legt dabei den Schwerpunkt auf die männlichen Opfer – denn sexueller Missbrauch bei Jungen ist in Kambodscha ein noch grösseres Tabu als bei uns.
We are equipping the Laotian primary schools with computers - help now to carry out the third tranche of our major project.