Education, health, human rights, environment, animal welfare
Education, health, human rights, environment, animal protection - our field of activity is wide and offers many interesting possibilities of support. In order for us to continue to support our organisations and projects in the future, we are dependent on your help.
Southeast Asia is home to a variety of extraordinary animals that are threatened with extinction - both on land and at sea. These animals and their habitats must be protected. This can be done in many ways, for example by designating nature conservation and marine protection areas, by developing new employment opportunities for people who have lived from the exploitation of animals and, of course, by providing permanent information about and creating awareness of the threat to the animals.
On the other side of the scale are pets - especially dogs and cats. The handling of pets in certain Asian countries is gradually taking on forms that are familiar in Western countries. In other countries or areas, dogs and cats are miserable, exposed to violence, tortured indiscriminately, abandoned, neglected.
In this context, it is not a matter of wanting to present Western standards as the measure of all things, but of showing people that animals are also living creatures that deserve an existence in dignity.
With your support we help endangered animal species, especially the Asian elephant. But we also create space and opportunities for initiatives that want to limit or prevent the careless handling of pets.
Die Zukunft des Asiatischen Elefanten sieht düster aus. Weniger als 1000 Tiere, wildlebende und domestizierte, gibt es aktuell noch im Land, das einst «das Land der Million Elefanten» hiess. Langsam findet auch in Laos ein Umdenken statt, doch von einer Rettung ist man noch weit entfernt, wie man im Elephant Conservation Center sieht.
Für Touristen ist Pulau Langkawi ein kleines Inselparadies im Norden Malaysias. Von paradiesischen Verhältnissen weit entfernt sind hingegen unzählige Katzen und Hunde, die auf der Insel leben – teils verwildert, oft vernachlässigt, manchmal durch Unfälle oder unliebsame Begegnungen verletzt.
We are equipping the Laotian primary schools with computers - help now to carry out the third tranche of our major project.