What you can do

Your support is worth a lot

Are you planning a birthday, an anniversary or even a wedding? Ask your guests to donate to a common pot - whether as a replacement or as part of a gift.

Birthday parties, anniversaries, weddings and family celebrations - they all have one thing in common: They show us how well we are doing and that we are lucky to live in a society that lacks little.

Share your happiness with many others and use the opportunity to motivate your guests to join in a joint fundraising campaign. Call on them in the invitation to refrain from (unnecessary) gifts and instead contribute a part of your collection to one of our projects or organisations.

In this way, giving presents makes sense again in a time when many people already have everything. Whether at weddings, birthday parties, anniversaries or family celebrations.

Set a sign for your personal commitment. We will gladly support you in this.

Contact us if you need further information and material (e.g. flyers) to point out your appeal for donations.